Besides the business of work we try to be as much involved with all of our children's activities. Well - our middle daughter had a climbing competition down in Albuquerque (which is about a 6.5 hour drive away - long car drive with 3 kids) where we just got back from. It truly was a gorgeous drive this time of year, tons of snow in the high country with the trees and grass in the valleys beginning to go green. On the way down south, we decided a side trip was in order to one of our National Parks - the Great Sand Dunes in southern Colorado.
We are blessed here in the state of Colorado with many National Parks, Monuments and Recreation Areas. If you have time, please, take time to visit these places when you can. It is a wonderful experience to visit these areas and see the history - just wonderful. Getting back to the Great Sand Dunes - I can only imagine that this is what the deserts in the middle east must be like - mountains and mountains of sand - a giant sand box! We made some great memories here and will leave you with a photo to tempt you all.
have fun, do what you love, life is short - enjoy Tessa Clogs