Hello Everybody - sorry for taking way to long to get another entry into our blog. We were hesitant to get an entry in being that we wanted to get the design of this blog similar to our new web site. Well - finally after a few days of work, we were able to make something similar to our current web site.
Speaking of new web sites - after 9 months of part time work on it, we are close to being able to say we like it and are complete. You may have noticed that we have an information side (that has wonderful designs with some slide shows playing) and also our shopping side. After getting the site up live in October/November, we recently noticed that our site visits where less then years previously. But being busy with work and family at the holidays we did not look into it too much. The middle of January after the holiday rush, we sat down and finally noticed that search engines were not finding us! Ouch! After a 12 year presence on the internet and having just about every search engine find us, we were now completely unfindable in the www world. What Happened!

Long story short - accidental decisions that we and our web designer made, changed our old shopping cart address with over 200 pages on it from a tessaclogs.com address to a new address. Makes sense, when we made the information part of our web site, this was now at the tessaclogs.com address and only having 14 pages vs. previously having 200+ pages. We are just venting - change is always difficult with us because of situations above. But if you are not changing and evolving, you will not make it in this world. So, if you are reading this, great, you found us - so thank you.

air Cut - probably not a big deal, but I, Christopher Manning of Swedish Clog Cabin / Tessa Clogs of Vail, have had hippie hair for around 20 years. Looking back, it was just easy. I never had to get a hair cut, when I did, usually a friend would trim it up for me. Tessa, my wife, always liked long hair so I never had any reason to cut it. If you knew me in my first 20 years of life, being a swimmer, I always had short hair. Why the change from short to long to short? Well what do all of us guys do, we try to make ourselves attractive to women. If my wife likes long hair, well, I'll just keep it long . After 20 years, I started to think maybe it was not the long hair any more. So, on a bike ride from Swedish Clog Cabin to our home in Minturn, I pulled off the bike path to a local barber. Here is the new doo -
We are headed again to the Platform Shoe Show taking place during the Magic fashion exhibit which is the foremost global gathering of fashion brands and industry insiders. This is the second time we are exhibiting at it. If you are a retail store looking for a fantastic line to bring in to you store please stop by, say hi and while we are at it, we can write up an order of Tessa Clogs for your store.
With the new look of our web site we are also trying to get with it and go social. We are now on facebook and you can find us by search for Tessa Clogs - this is all new to us so if you do not find us - we will try to help you.
thanks for reading -