Does anyone ever feel overwhelmed at times? Wow – I just started typing different words in to search engines and see that there are LOTS of different companies selling clogs. Overwhelming, Wow! We do understand that there are many choices where one can buy clogs, we want to personally thank all of you that have bought Tessa Clogs either here in Vail, at one of our many retail partners or on line. THANK YOU – we really do appreciate it. I’m not sure if this photo is really appropriate but I am giving a toast to all of you that have supported us over the years. Plus – you maybe have wondered what I look like – (I’m the guy on the right and my good friend Johan is on the left).

Other news – Huggalugs – these things are the coolest. Plus the owners who live in Australia are the most down to Earth people you can meet. We have only talked with them on the phone but it would be so fun to meet them and their family. Huggalugs are leg and arm warmers for kids (then even fit small adults!). With the fun colors, they are such a great compliment for boys and girls. With a skirt, with a short sleeve “T”, heck, I was even thinking these may be perfect for biking in the morning when it is cold. They are such a fun compliment for your kids wardrobe.
If your reading and thinking about ordering something, type in –
pripps – (just the 5 letters – pripps) when you come to a screen that is labeled DISCOUNT CODES AND GIFT CERTIFICATES and you will get free shipping. I have set this up until the end of March. For those out there that do not know – Pripps is the name of our 12+ year old Bernese Mountain Dog and also the name of a beer in Sweden.
We want to leave you with a image that we thought was funny. One of our kids crawled into our kennel and of course the others wanted to join too. Shamus, our 4 month bernese, wanted to join in too but he could not get the door open. So - lets just try to crawl on top. Peace, Hugs and Good Times to all of you that are reading.