We are getting close to Valentines Day - many of you know the date but for those like myself it sometimes may be cloudy and needs to be remembered - February 14. The photo here is a bit old - 5 years ago - we were in Salzburg Austria in a bar dug into the side of the mountain - Felzenkeller. As I was looking for a picture of the two of us this photo brought back so many memories. It was a whirlwind of a trip to Sweden, a leather shoe show in Italy and a side trip to Austria. Very dificult travels through the middle of the night but all in all some excellent times were had. It was nineteen years ago we met in Vail and made a choice to have a family, life and business here in the mountains of Colorado. Tessa - thanks so much for the wonderful times had and to the many more memories that we will create in the future. Jag älskar dig, stor kram och puss.
Valentines Day presents - not sure how many men will be reading this blog but ladies, feel free to print out, email or just let your spouse know that you want a pair of Tessa Clogs. Don't forget - not only do we have Tessa Clogs but all the great clothing and gift items would be a perfect surprise. OR - buy and treat yourself - if you are happy you will effect all around you - Tessa Clogs will make you happy and smile :-)
For those that read our blog - we will give free shipping in February for those that type in - februaryblog
Getting back to Valentines Day and letting those loved one know that they are loved - I love this picture of our family take recently at the Grand Canyon - Thanks for reading
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