Friday, November 14, 2014

New Season, New Clogs, New Employee

We are beginning another chapter here at Swedish Clog Cabin / Tessa Clogs.  Snow is falling - about time - last week I was riding my bike - this week - 15+ inches of snow.  Loving it!

Vail Mountain opens on Friday, November 21 and we, Swedish Clog Cabin will then be open daily.

We welcome Julie aboard - she hails from MI and will be helping us out on weekends this winter.  If you are in the area stop by and say hi (and of course spend some money!)

Julie is wearing our Tessa Ultimate High Brown Oil Clogs

Sanita Sandra Boot-stone in waxed suede
Sanita Lara Boot-antique brown in full grain leather

We are receiving daily new product and we will be trying to keep this blog (which I know that sometimes we are lacking on) updated with what is new starting with these Sanita Boots.